“We recently went through a leadership intervention workshop conducted by Dreyvan & Chaandna. Having gone through many such experiences in the past, I was skeptical of what this one was going to deliver. Haven’t we all gone through those gimmicky team building workshops that have promised to “strengthen the leadership team to achieve limitless possibilities”?
A testimonial that means a lot to us mainly because Amit, who is a popular adjunct professor at MICA, one of the most renowned institutes in the country and also as someone who has seen a lot of corporate trainings from very close over the last two decades has the following to say about us :
But what followed was nothing short of a revelation – a revelation on how such workshop should be done. The daily sessions were supposed to be 4 hours each but none of them ended before 5 hours. And the eagerness with which we gave up parts of our personal lives to turn up at 7.30 am sharp without a delay clearly showed what everyone was getting out of these sessions.
By the time we were onto our last session – the marathon full day session – everyone was charged. That session, meant to be 10 hours long, went on for 18 hours and when we ended at 2.30am on a Sunday morning, not a single one of us was tired. That’s the power of transformation this can bring.
What I have found lacking in most such workshops I have gone through in the past has been a lack of authenticity on the part of participants – everyone being guarded, not bringing their true self into the room, worried about what others might think, repercussions of things said in the room, etc. – was last of our worries as all of us spoke our mind freely. Could not have happened without the presence of Dreyvan & Chaandna in the room. Just the fact that no one was holding back, meant this was serious stuff and we would achieve something seriously meaningful at the end of it all. The clarity that each subsequent sessions brought as we went along made me a believer from a skeptic.
It was no longer Dreyvan’s & Chaandna’s session… it was our session.
Since the workshop has ended, there is a spring in our steps, there is a sense of purpose in whatever we do, and there is a difference in the language we are speaking and we are all inspired by the possibility in front of us. Long way to go but the journey has begun.
This workshop made me look at myself, the organisation & leadership in general, in a completely different light – a perspective that one had not been exposed to. I liked the fact that these were intense and serious sessions with zero gimmicks.
The net result of the workshop is a sense of power, freedom and self-expression that can unlock limitless possibilities for the self and the organisation. Being aware of these things is a powerful position to be in from where you can bring in change.
I am grateful to Dreyvan & Chaandna for opening our eyes to the possibilities infront of us. Good is the enemy of great and competence is a curse. If you and/or your organisation feel like in that hole, you now know who to call.
Thanks a lot, Dreyvan & Chaandna.”
Amit Kishore, Adjunct Professor at MICA, CEO – PlanB Digital.
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Contact @ Dreyvan@inner-legend.com or dreyvandayse@gmail.com