Just totally overwhelmed on receiving the following testimonial on linkedin from Anirudha Mukhedkar. An amazing leader and a wonderful human being. We are so so grateful for the opportunity to partner along with him and PlanB which can easily boast of some of the most brilliant people and creative minds that one can find in the advertising world.
“In one of my casual conversations with Dreyvan, I had mentioned that Plan B was now about 11 years old. We were doing well, but were increasingly feeling a sense of “sameness” creeping in. A sense that all of us were operating from our comfort zones. I wanted to know if his intervention would help in rejuvenating and reenergising the team and lead up to reinvention of Plan B.
Dreyvan gave me a brief outline of the process he would follow. Frankly, I wasn’t fully convinced but decided to engage with him anyway, especially since he demanded very little time commitment. About 45-50 hours spread over 4 weeks or so. That meant about 5-6 hours twice a week for 4 weeks and one marathon 10 hour session post that. I could sense the scepticism in the team. And rightly so. How could conversations lead to reinvention? Would my core team feel rejuvenated? Really?
Engaging with Dreyvan was probably the best decision I have taken in my 28 year old career.
I think it was half way through the very first session that we gave Dreyvan a standing ovation. And by the time we were through with week 3, the entire team was humming with excitement. We just didn’t want the sessions to end. At the end of the complete engagement, I am left with no words to describe the sense of power, freedom and self expression we all feel. It is as if we are all new people. At work, as well as in life. To label this as rejuvenation and reinvention would be a gross understatement. We have been simply blown away. And a bunch of new, powerful individuals have taken our place.
We are consumed by the infinite possibilities that are before us! Will this lead to the reinvention of Plan B? Well, that is beyond a shadow of doubt. The sensitivity, deep insight and a truly unique process that Dreyvan can bring will transform your company. There is absolutely no doubt.
If you are truly serious about your business, there is no time to waste. You should be calling Dreyvan. Now.”
Anirudha Mukhedkar, Founder

Thank you Anirudha, Ashok, Abraham, Amit, Durgha, Karan, Prasad, Prashant & Raghunath for bringing your best-selves into the engagement.
The energy and excitement intact at 02:30 AM, after an 18 hours long session on the final day of the engagement…
And, last but not the least, Chaandnna, my co-facilitator and partner in real life, without whom this amazing journey would not have been possible.